Monday, June 13, 2011

Sunday's Message

Today’s Message: 06/12/2011

“Nabuchadnezzar dreamed dreams”

Daniel 2:1-19, 47

God in is reigning power is likened to Nabuchadnezzar. It is so commonly spread through out the world that “God is Love”. While this is true, the word of God backs up that the fact that he cannot stand the very presence of evil. It is through His son Jesus were we as sinners able to be brought into salvation. Nabuchadnezzar asked his host of astrologers and sorcerers to remember and interpret his dream. If they were not able to recall the King’s dream, the King put into place very serious threats on their families.

Daniel asked if he could go before His God and ask if the King’s dream could be revealed to them. The King’s dream was extremely important then and also serves as prophecy.

God longs for his people to live a life that is pleasing unto Him. Contrary to popular belief, God has EXPECTATIONS. When we look at the amount of unyielding power that King Nabuchadnezzar exuded as a mere human being, God’s judgment is made even the more clear.

This very comparison should make those that believe in the one and true God search themselves and make sure they are totally and completely right with God.

God is telling his people to move up higher. God wants a people that are willing to go all the way with them. IT’S TIME. Jesus is soon to come; you do not want your soul to be lost. There is nothing in the world that is WORTH losing your SOUL for. The “church” is filled with people that say they love the Lord, but still do and live like they want to. We are charged to not be one of those people today. Instead of trying to do the minimum, go above and beyond for God, and He will do the same for you.